When we ask clients what they would most like to improve about their skin, the answer is usually a more even, clear and bright skin tone. Skin pigmentation can take the form of dark spots, freckles, age spots or larger patches of discolored skin called melasma. The most common form is hyperpigmentation, which is the excess production of the skin pigment melanin, appearing as localized patches, which are darker than the surrounding skin. Pigmentation can be caused by excess sun exposure, injury, post-inflammation, acne or hormonal changes like during or after pregnancy.
The ideal look for naturally healthy skin is a clear, radiant and even-toned complexion. When the skin is clear of blemishes and darker areas it projects a youthful glow and healthy vibrance. And the best part is that most clients feel so confident in their even-toned skin that they often skip wearing makeup! An IPL photofacial or laser treatment using the LaserGenesis laser can quickly and effectively help to reduce the appearance of many forms of hyperpigmentation, leaving skin flawless, even and glowing.
Laser and IPL can improve the appearance of:
Darker patches
Age Spots / Lentigines
Broken capillaries
Vascular legions
Sun spots
Some birthmarks
Marks left from scars
Sun damaged skin
Port wine stains
Pigmented legions
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